The information contained in these pages was gathered from many sources and wouldn't have been possible without them. All historical information is believed to be in the public domain. Some of the sources include:
- Facts About The Presidents (5th Edition)
by Joseph Nathan Kane (available at
- This is a must have for any amateur or professional presidential historian, or for the presidential trivia buff. It has in depth primary and election results, a huge amount of info on the presidents' family, professional, and politial lives, and a large section with presidential comparitive data.
- National Archives and Records Administration/
Office of the Federal Register Electoral College Homepage
- The official homepage of the electoral college!
- Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives
Election Statistics Homepage
- Portrait of America
- Wonderful public opinion site where you can get up-to-date, unbiased polling data direct without the filter of whoever wants to spin it before you see it.